Becoming a registered Chaperone

To become a registered chaperone you will need to contact your local council. A chaperone is a specific type of DBS certificate which allows you to look after children while they are involved in theatre, tv, film etc.

Chaperones are an essential part of our Child Protection policy and procedure (see below for more details).

To make the process as easy as possible we ask all parents of children involved in our performances to register for their certificates, therefore spreading out the responsibilities. All Menston Thespians committee members are certified but chaperoning is a role itself, you mustn’t be taking part in other activities such as acting, directing, costuming, etc. Therefore we need our parents help.

Register via your local council, however the process is roughly the same:

  1. Ask for a DBS with chaperone licence
  2. Complete the necessary paperwork – you will need 2 references (1 from someone who knows you professionally)
  3. You will need to organise a very short interview with the council to confirm you understand your responsibilities and show 3 forms of ID outlined in the forms
  4. Once you have your certificate you may need to show it to the council to be registered on their own databases (ANYONE can do this last step, it doesn’t need to be you and it can be done in bulk)


This is free if you mention it is for Menston Thespians. Email and ask for a form to be posted to you.


This does cost £15 as we aren’t a Leeds community group. Email and ask for the information to register as a chaperone. This is online. Once submitted you need to email again to ask for the chaperone paperwork which is emailed to you and can be completed and returned by email.

Below we have set out our Child Protection Policy, and Child Protection Procedure. If you have any questions, please contact our Child Protection Officer.

Menston Thespians Child Protection Policy

Menston Thespians recognises its duty of care under the Children and Young Persons Act 1963, the Child (Performances) Regulations 1968, the Protection of Children Act 1999 and the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000

The society recognises that abuse can take many forms, whether it be physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect. The society is committed to practice which protects children from harm. All members of the society accept and recognise their responsibilities to develop awareness of the issues which cause children harm.

The society believes that:

  • The welfare of the child is paramount.
  • All children, whatever their age, culture,
    disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual
    identity have the right to protection from abuse.
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse should
    be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • All members and employees of the society should
    be clear on how to respond appropriately.

The society will ensure that:

  • All children will be treated equally and with
    respect and dignity.
  • The duty of care to children will always be put
  • A balanced relationship based on mutual trust
    will be built which empowers the children to share in the decision making
  • Enthusiastic and constructive feedback will be
    given rather than negative criticism.
  • Bullying will not be accepted or condoned.
  • All adult members of the society provide a
    positive role model for dealing with other people.
  • Action will be taken to stop any inappropriate
    verbal or physical behaviour.
  • It will undertake relevant development and
  • It will hold a register of every child involved
    with the society and will retain a contact name and number close at hand in
    case of emergencies.
  • It will hold a register of chaperones involved
    with the society and ensure attendance at rehearsals and performances to
    chaperone children present.  Only
    chaperones are used at performances.

The society has a dedicated Child Protection Officer, who is in charge of ensuring that the child protection policy is adhered to.

That person’s name is Ruth Birkett and they can be contacted on 07973344140. 

This policy will be regularly monitored by the Committee of the society and will be subject to annual review.

Latest Review Date: 08/11/2024

Next Review Due Before: 08/12/2025

Menston Thespians Child Protection Procedure

Menston Thespians recognises its duty of care under the Children and Young Persons Act 1963, the Child (Performances) Regulations 1968, the Protection of Children Act 1999 and the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000.

The society recognises that abuse can take many forms, whether it be physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect. The society is committed to practice which protects children from harm. All members of the society accept and recognise their responsibilities to develop awareness of the issues which cause children harm.

The society defines a child as aged 18 or below.

The child protection procedures are as followed:

Responsibility of the Safeguarding Officer:

  • The Safeguarding Officer will maintain a list of
    all registered chaperones, with copies/evidence of their certificates
  • The Safeguarding Officer will maintain a list of
    all active children with their addresses and key contact numbers

Application within the society:

  • Should a child suffers illness or injury while
    in the care of a chaperone the licence holder must notify the parent,
    Safeguarding Officer and the licensing and host authorities immediately.
  • We adhere to The Children (Performances and
    Activities) (England) Regulations 2014. 
    In regards to section 15, 3.a we acknowledge that a single chaperone can
    be in charge of up to 12 children.
  • A child will not be asked to take part in
    performances or rehearsals on more than six consecutive days.
  • A child will have the minimum of a 2 hours break
    between consecutive performances.


  • There will be registered chaperones at all
    rehearsals.  They will not be part of the
    production team.  Their duties include:
    • Ensure parents/carers sign their children into
      and out of rehearsals
    • Escorting the children to and from room adjacent
      to rehearsal space, is applicable.  (E.G.
    • Will be known to the children at each rehearsal
      as their assigned chaperone


  • The Safeguarding Officer will inform Bradford
    Child Employment and Entertainment Office 28 days in advance of the performance
    of the chaperones the society will be using, along with the require licencing
  • See the application within the society for more
  • Only registered chaperones, accepted by Bradford
    Child Employment and Entertainment Office will be used during performances.


  • In the event of a disclosure the society member must report their concerns to the Safeguarding Officer and must not discuss this with anyone else
  • The Safeguarding Officer is to talk to the parent/carer in the first instance and will escalate this further they must report their concerns to the Bradford Council.
    • During office hours (8.30am – 5pm Monday to Thursday, 4.30pm on Friday) call Children’s Social Services Initial Contact Point on 01274 433999
    • At all other times, Social Services Emergency Duty Team on 01274 431010
    • If you have reason to believe that a child is at IMMEDIATE RISK OF HARM, contact the police on 999

The society has a dedicated Child Protection Officer, who is in charge of ensuring that the child protection procedure is adhered to.

That person’s name is Ruth Birkett and they can be contacted on 07973344140. 

This procedure will be regularly monitored by the Committee of the society and will be subject to annual review.

Latest Review Date: 08/11/2024

Next Review Due Before: 08/12/2025